
The earth is called the blue planet. More than 71 per cent of the earth is covered with water and 29 per cent is with land. Hydrosphere consists of water in all its forms. As running water in oceans and rivers and in lakes, ice in glaciers, underground water and the water vapour in atmosphere, all comprise the hydrosphere. More than 97% of the Earth’s water is found in the oceans and is too salty for human use. A large proportion of the rest of the water is in the form of icesheets and glaciers or under the ground and a very small percentage is available as fresh water for human use. Hence, despite being a ‘blue planet’ we face a shortage of water!! 

Oceans-Oceans are the part of hydrosphere.The five major oceans are-The Pacific ocean,the Atlantic ocean,the Indian ocean,the Southern ocean,the Arctic ocean.The Pacific ocean is the largest ocean.The Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean.

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